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Join the first Brazilian community of freelancers and Wix partner agencies.

No more walking alone and going through difficulties with your clients and projects. Join us now to participate in an exclusive and free monthly online mentorships for Wix Partners of all levels. Always at mondays, starting at 8pm. Click the button below to sign up.

Wix Partner - Selo Nível Lendário

Building the biggest community of Wix Partners in Brazil


Participate every Monday at 8:00 pm (GMT-3) in a monthly online meeting to recharge your energies, dream about the future of your business and schedule the next steps in your partnership with Wix.


An exclusive group for mentoring participants to exchange experiences 24/7 with those who are experiencing the same as you and to help the community grow in a relevant and professional way.


Connecting with new partners, learning new skills, and gaining market references in a community of engaged partners ready to earn more in the short term.

Foto do Meetup Wix 2022 em São Paulo com Cris Mendes a frente e partners participantes ao fundo
Foto de Leandro Alves no evento do Wix Meetup de 2022 em São Paulo.
Foto do time de Creators da Wix no evento da Wix em São Paulo 2022.

Nov/22 - Professional Wix Partner Mindset

Dec/22 - High Ticket - increasing the value of your service

Jan/23 - Strategic Sales Pitch

Feb/23 - Dealing with Marketplace Leads

Mar/23 - Killer portfolio

*More themes coming soon. Subject to change.

Check the schedule of each meeting online*

Every first Monday of the month at 8pm (GMT-3)

For Wix Partners of all skill levels: from beginners to legends!

It doesn't matter if you're just starting out or if you've already reached the top of the career program within Wix. If you want to develop as a professional freelancer or specialized agency, join us.

Digital Nomad
Mãe trabalhadora

Wix Partners online meetings are for everyone who wants to...

  • Join a community of committed Wix and Editor X site developers

  • Becoming freelancers and high-performance digital agency owners with more freedom

  • Create connections in a confident space to develop yourself as a reference professional

  • Escape from daily self-sabotage

Do not sign up our community if you are looking for...

  • getting freeze in your career and life projects

  • finding easy results without effort or work

  • creating something on quicksand without solidity

Homem, com, fones
Trabalhando remoto

Earn more freedom by becoming a mentored Wix Partner

  • Geographical Freedom: learn how to create websites from anywhere in the world receiving leads in your email

  • Freedom of Time: make your own schedule attending to your customers according to your schedule

  • Financial Freedom: learn how to earn lifetime and dollar income as a successful Wix Partner

Leandro Alves, Wix Partner

Shall we walk together?

My name is Leandro Alves and I am also a Wix Partner. In addition to reaching the legendary level in a short time (the most senior top of the partnership with Wix) I am also an active member of the platform Creators team, in addition to being one of the few affiliates in the country.

I created this mentorship program to help you and all business partners to have a mindset prepared to optimize your business and, in addition, help all community participants to reach the next stage with their negotiations, and processes and design the future of their partnership with Wix.

I have been working with marketing and communication for about 15 years, and during this period I made a career in several companies and segments, starting as a graphic designer until reaching a management position.

My wish in bringing together all the Wix Partners in Brazil is to raise the quality of services provided and encourage more and more people to invest in their businesses.

The invitation is open: shall we walk together?

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

What is a Wix Partner?

It's a program created by Wix to empower freelancers and agencies, making professionals earn points for each client site created in Wix and Editor X, in addition to exclusive benefits to help you grow.

Who can be a Wix Partner?

Webdesigner, web programmer, graphic designer, SEO professional, ecommerce specialist, copywriter, traffic managers and digital marketing professionals of all levels.

Do I need to be a Wix Partner to be mentored?

Yup. You need to be active in the Wix Partner Program to be able to participate in mentoring, if you haven't already, sign up for free clicking here.

From what level can I participate in the monthly mentoring?

There is no restriction to be my mentee. The main idea is to create a community that helps each other so that everyone succeeds in the Wix career path and reaches the top in the short term.

What is the requirement to participate in mentoring?

Be a Wix Partner with an active account and be eager to grow your business in the coming months.

Is there any amount to be paid?

Do not. Both for joining the Wix Partners program and monthly mentoring, there are no costs.

Do I need to have CNPJ to participate?

Do not. If you are a beginner freelancer or a structured agency, you can participate in the Partners program and monthly mentoring.

Who is behind this project?

This is a private project developed by Leandro Alves, senior business partner at Wix and mentored by Wix corporate members.

How does mentoring work?

We have a monthly meeting in a private link, where all participants enter the room and can interact via video, audio or text.

What is the monthly schedule?

Each month a topic of relevance will be addressed. Participants and those interested in participating can follow the themes clicking here🇧🇷

Do I need to register to participate in the mentorship?

Yes, you need to sign up for free by clicking this link here on that page to be able to join the community.

Grow, inspire and share. Be part of this community of Wix Partners in Brazil.

Fill in the details below to join us!

© 2019-2022 by Leandro Alves de Sousa. Todos os direitos reservados

Leandro Alves de Sousa ME. • CNPJ 33.344.374/0001-83

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